Christoph Karl von Bülow

Christoph Carl von Bülow (* 26 May 1716 in Glubenstein near Rastenburg, East Prussia, 1 July 1788 in Pasewalk) was the Royal Prussian General of the Cavalry, commander of the Dragoons regiment Markgraf von Anspach-Bayreuth, general inspector of the cavalry in Prussia, Knight of the Black Eagle Order, as well as official chief of Memel and Oletzkow. His name is included on the Equestrian statue of Frederick the Great. '

Christoph Karl von Bülow

Christoph Carl von Bülow (* 26 May 1716 in Glubenstein near Rastenburg, East Prussia, 1 July 1788 in Pasewalk) was the Royal Prussian General of the Cavalry, commander of the Dragoons regiment Markgraf von Anspach-Bayreuth, general inspector of the cavalry in Prussia, Knight of the Black Eagle Order, as well as official chief of Memel and Oletzkow. His name is included on the Equestrian statue of Frederick the Great. '