Christopher Powell (musician)

Christopher Powell (stage name Pow Pow) is a musical artist from Philadelphia. He has been the drummer and percussionist for experimental rock groups Bent Leg Fatima and Need New Body, the equally adventurous music group Man Man, and the Chicago sextet Icy Demons. After Need New Body disbanded, Powell joined Man Man before recording the group's second album, "Six Demon Bag." He has played on all albums since as well as at all live shows, making him the second most consistent and oldest member (lead singer Ryan Kattner, a.k.a. Honus Honus, being the first). Christopher participated as drummer 11 in the Boredoms 77 Boadrum performance which occurred on 7 July 2007 at the Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park in Brooklyn, New York. He participates in, what according to Obey Your Brain's website is h

Christopher Powell (musician)

Christopher Powell (stage name Pow Pow) is a musical artist from Philadelphia. He has been the drummer and percussionist for experimental rock groups Bent Leg Fatima and Need New Body, the equally adventurous music group Man Man, and the Chicago sextet Icy Demons. After Need New Body disbanded, Powell joined Man Man before recording the group's second album, "Six Demon Bag." He has played on all albums since as well as at all live shows, making him the second most consistent and oldest member (lead singer Ryan Kattner, a.k.a. Honus Honus, being the first). Christopher participated as drummer 11 in the Boredoms 77 Boadrum performance which occurred on 7 July 2007 at the Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park in Brooklyn, New York. He participates in, what according to Obey Your Brain's website is h