Chronica Romanorum pontificum et imperatorum ac de rebus in Apulia gestis

The Chronica Romanorum pontificum et imperatorum ac de rebus in Apulia gestis ("Chronicle of the Roman Bishops and Emperors and of the Deeds Done in Apulia") is a 13th-century Latin prose chronicle by an anonymous monk of the monastery of Santa Maria della Ferraria in southern Italy. It is sometimes called the Ferraris Chronicle, Chronica Ferrariensis or Chronicle of Santa Maria di Ferraria. The chronicle was rediscovered in Bologna in the nineteenth century and published in English translation only in 2017.

Chronica Romanorum pontificum et imperatorum ac de rebus in Apulia gestis

The Chronica Romanorum pontificum et imperatorum ac de rebus in Apulia gestis ("Chronicle of the Roman Bishops and Emperors and of the Deeds Done in Apulia") is a 13th-century Latin prose chronicle by an anonymous monk of the monastery of Santa Maria della Ferraria in southern Italy. It is sometimes called the Ferraris Chronicle, Chronica Ferrariensis or Chronicle of Santa Maria di Ferraria. The chronicle was rediscovered in Bologna in the nineteenth century and published in English translation only in 2017.