
Chronux is an open-source software package developed for the loading, visualization and analysis of a variety of modalities / formats of neurobiological time series data. Usage of this tool enables neuroscientists to perform a variety of analysis on multichannel electrophysiological data such as LFP (local field potentials), EEG, MEG, Neuronal spike times and also on spatiotemporal data such as FMRI and dynamic optical imaging data. The software consists of a set of MATLAB routines interfaced with C libraries that can be used to perform the tasks that constitute a typical study of neurobiological data. These include local regression and smoothing, spike sorting and spectral analysis - including multitaper spectral analysis, a powerful nonparametric method to estimate power spectrum. The pa


Chronux is an open-source software package developed for the loading, visualization and analysis of a variety of modalities / formats of neurobiological time series data. Usage of this tool enables neuroscientists to perform a variety of analysis on multichannel electrophysiological data such as LFP (local field potentials), EEG, MEG, Neuronal spike times and also on spatiotemporal data such as FMRI and dynamic optical imaging data. The software consists of a set of MATLAB routines interfaced with C libraries that can be used to perform the tasks that constitute a typical study of neurobiological data. These include local regression and smoothing, spike sorting and spectral analysis - including multitaper spectral analysis, a powerful nonparametric method to estimate power spectrum. The pa