Church of St. Apollinaire, Prague

The Church of St. Apollinaire is located in New Town in Prague in the street Apolinarska on the hill called Vetrov. This Gothic church was built approximately between years 1360–1390. The church was established by Charles IV in 1362. Nowadays Roman Catholic Church is located here but it was administrated also by the Chemin Neuf community. The church is protected as a cultural heritage since 1958.

Church of St. Apollinaire, Prague

The Church of St. Apollinaire is located in New Town in Prague in the street Apolinarska on the hill called Vetrov. This Gothic church was built approximately between years 1360–1390. The church was established by Charles IV in 1362. Nowadays Roman Catholic Church is located here but it was administrated also by the Chemin Neuf community. The church is protected as a cultural heritage since 1958.