Civic Passion–Proletariat Political Institute–Hong Kong Resurgence Order

A localist political alliance was formed by 3 Hong Kong organisations – Civic Passion, Proletariat Political Institute and Hong Kong Resurgence Order – to field candidates to contest the 2016 legislative election. Without an official name, the alliance is informally called Yit Po Shing (Chinese: 熱普城; Jyutping: jit6 pou2 sing4) in Chinese, taking one word from each of the member organisation's name or ideology. The alliance's common platform is "Creating a de facto referendum in five constituencies; allow all citizens to participate in the creation of constitution".

Civic Passion–Proletariat Political Institute–Hong Kong Resurgence Order

A localist political alliance was formed by 3 Hong Kong organisations – Civic Passion, Proletariat Political Institute and Hong Kong Resurgence Order – to field candidates to contest the 2016 legislative election. Without an official name, the alliance is informally called Yit Po Shing (Chinese: 熱普城; Jyutping: jit6 pou2 sing4) in Chinese, taking one word from each of the member organisation's name or ideology. The alliance's common platform is "Creating a de facto referendum in five constituencies; allow all citizens to participate in the creation of constitution".