Claremont Square

Claremont Square is a square in the Angel (Pentonville) part of Islington, London. Its central green mound, hiding a reservoir, is dotted with mature trees on all four sides (embankments). On its north side is Pentonville Road. It is lined on the south, east and west sides by early-nineteenth-century houses, and on the north side, across the arterial road, by heavily recessed apartment/office buildings. Many of the houses have been internally subdivided.

Claremont Square

Claremont Square is a square in the Angel (Pentonville) part of Islington, London. Its central green mound, hiding a reservoir, is dotted with mature trees on all four sides (embankments). On its north side is Pentonville Road. It is lined on the south, east and west sides by early-nineteenth-century houses, and on the north side, across the arterial road, by heavily recessed apartment/office buildings. Many of the houses have been internally subdivided.