Claudio Fermín

Claudio Eloy Fermín Maldonado (born in Barinas, Barinas, 1950) is a Venezuelan politician. He was deputy minister of youth under Jaime Lusinchi, and subsequently Mayor of Libertador municipality, Caracas (1989–1993) for Acción Democrática, narrowly missing out on re-election to La Causa Radical's Aristóbulo Istúriz. He was the AD candidate in the 1993 presidential election, coming second with 24% of the vote. Fermín founded Soluciones para Venezuela Party, which participated in 2020 Venezuelan parliamentary election in alliance with the Networks Party.

Claudio Fermín

Claudio Eloy Fermín Maldonado (born in Barinas, Barinas, 1950) is a Venezuelan politician. He was deputy minister of youth under Jaime Lusinchi, and subsequently Mayor of Libertador municipality, Caracas (1989–1993) for Acción Democrática, narrowly missing out on re-election to La Causa Radical's Aristóbulo Istúriz. He was the AD candidate in the 1993 presidential election, coming second with 24% of the vote. Fermín founded Soluciones para Venezuela Party, which participated in 2020 Venezuelan parliamentary election in alliance with the Networks Party.