Coastal regions of Western Australia

Western Australia has the longest coastline of any state or territory in Australia, at 10,194 km or 12,889 km (20,781 km including islands). It is a significant portion of the coastline of Australia, which is 35,877 km (59,736 km including islands). The earliest full charting of the coastline occurred during exploration in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The coastline has some features or organisms that are found on the entire length, while some others are specific to particular coastal regions.

Coastal regions of Western Australia

Western Australia has the longest coastline of any state or territory in Australia, at 10,194 km or 12,889 km (20,781 km including islands). It is a significant portion of the coastline of Australia, which is 35,877 km (59,736 km including islands). The earliest full charting of the coastline occurred during exploration in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The coastline has some features or organisms that are found on the entire length, while some others are specific to particular coastal regions.