Cocktail garnish

Cocktail garnishes are decorative ornaments that add character or style to a mixed drink, most notably to cocktails. They are used to complement and enhance the flavors in a drink by stimulating the special nerve cells in the nose and mouth Some garnishes are essential to completing the recipe, as in the case of the olive in the Martini, or the cherry in the Manhattan, or the onion in the Gibson. Another reason for garnishes is to make cocktails more "camera ready" so that when photos are taken for the press or social media, different drinks will not look so much alike.

Cocktail garnish

Cocktail garnishes are decorative ornaments that add character or style to a mixed drink, most notably to cocktails. They are used to complement and enhance the flavors in a drink by stimulating the special nerve cells in the nose and mouth Some garnishes are essential to completing the recipe, as in the case of the olive in the Martini, or the cherry in the Manhattan, or the onion in the Gibson. Another reason for garnishes is to make cocktails more "camera ready" so that when photos are taken for the press or social media, different drinks will not look so much alike.