
The Codos or Commandos were guerrilla groups, active in southern Chad from 1983 to 1986, that resisted domination of their region by the President Hissène Habré's army. Many were veterans of the government army of the 1970s or Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué's Chadian Armed Forces (FAT), which had collapsed in 1982 under Habré's attacks with the short-lived Republic of Logone. Totaling as many as 15,000, they operated independently.


The Codos or Commandos were guerrilla groups, active in southern Chad from 1983 to 1986, that resisted domination of their region by the President Hissène Habré's army. Many were veterans of the government army of the 1970s or Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué's Chadian Armed Forces (FAT), which had collapsed in 1982 under Habré's attacks with the short-lived Republic of Logone. Totaling as many as 15,000, they operated independently.