Colorado Family Action

Colorado Family Action (CFA) is a Christian fundamentalist lobbying organization founded in 2007. It opposes gay marriage or domestic partnership,gay adoption, and adoption by unmarried people.In conjunction with Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton, CFA lead the 2006 campaign that outlawed gay marriage in the Colorado Constitution.The organization advocates for conversion therapy, the pseudoscientific practice of trying to change sexual orientation. It fights against birth control accessand legal marijuana.

Colorado Family Action

Colorado Family Action (CFA) is a Christian fundamentalist lobbying organization founded in 2007. It opposes gay marriage or domestic partnership,gay adoption, and adoption by unmarried people.In conjunction with Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton, CFA lead the 2006 campaign that outlawed gay marriage in the Colorado Constitution.The organization advocates for conversion therapy, the pseudoscientific practice of trying to change sexual orientation. It fights against birth control accessand legal marijuana.