Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime

Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime or CTF IM (before 2009 known as Combined Task Force 158) was an international naval task group, established as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It consisted of naval assets from the United States Navy and Coast Guard, the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Navy, working alongside elements of the Iraqi Navy and the Iraqi Marines. It reported to the Coalition Maritime Component Commander in Bahrain. With its mission complete, effective 31 December 2011, Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime was formally disestablished.

Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime

Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime or CTF IM (before 2009 known as Combined Task Force 158) was an international naval task group, established as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It consisted of naval assets from the United States Navy and Coast Guard, the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Navy, working alongside elements of the Iraqi Navy and the Iraqi Marines. It reported to the Coalition Maritime Component Commander in Bahrain. With its mission complete, effective 31 December 2011, Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime was formally disestablished.