
Le Comic-Finance was a French illustrated satirical and financial weekly newspaper, published in Paris from 1868 to 1937. It was edited from 1868 to 1911 by Ernest Schrameck (1844–1911), who wrote under the psedonym “Sergines”. Comic-Finance was published weekly, on Thursdays. It included humorous articles, and caricatures of prominent businessmen, as well as serious news articles on financial matters. Some of the illustrated biographical pieces published in Comic-Finance were republished in bound volumes by its editor-in-chief (Sergines, Silhouettes financières, 4 volumes, Paris, 1872–1874).


Le Comic-Finance was a French illustrated satirical and financial weekly newspaper, published in Paris from 1868 to 1937. It was edited from 1868 to 1911 by Ernest Schrameck (1844–1911), who wrote under the psedonym “Sergines”. Comic-Finance was published weekly, on Thursdays. It included humorous articles, and caricatures of prominent businessmen, as well as serious news articles on financial matters. Some of the illustrated biographical pieces published in Comic-Finance were republished in bound volumes by its editor-in-chief (Sergines, Silhouettes financières, 4 volumes, Paris, 1872–1874).