Comitato pro suffragio femminile

The Comitato pro suffragio femminile (Committee for Women's Suffrage) was an Italian organization founded in 1905 in support of women's voting rights. Among the most active participants were Anna Maria Mozzoni, Linda Malnati and . In 1906, on behalf of the committee, Mozzoni presented a petition to the Italian Parliament inviting the deputies to discuss granting voting rights to women. While sensitizing parliamentarians to the issue, it was also effective in forming a basis for discussion by women throughout the country.

Comitato pro suffragio femminile

The Comitato pro suffragio femminile (Committee for Women's Suffrage) was an Italian organization founded in 1905 in support of women's voting rights. Among the most active participants were Anna Maria Mozzoni, Linda Malnati and . In 1906, on behalf of the committee, Mozzoni presented a petition to the Italian Parliament inviting the deputies to discuss granting voting rights to women. While sensitizing parliamentarians to the issue, it was also effective in forming a basis for discussion by women throughout the country.