Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces

The Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces (Kommissiia po izucheniiu estestvennykh proizvoditel'nykh sil – KEPS) was established in Imperial Russia in 1915 to study the previously unexplored natural resources of the empire. Vladimir Vernadsky played a key role in its creation. In 1915 he published War and the Progress of Science in which he stressed the importance of science as regards to its contribution to the war effort:

Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces

The Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces (Kommissiia po izucheniiu estestvennykh proizvoditel'nykh sil – KEPS) was established in Imperial Russia in 1915 to study the previously unexplored natural resources of the empire. Vladimir Vernadsky played a key role in its creation. In 1915 he published War and the Progress of Science in which he stressed the importance of science as regards to its contribution to the war effort: