Committee of Detail

The Committee of Detail was a committee established by the United States Constitutional Convention on July 24, 1787 to put down a draft text reflecting the agreements made by the Convention up to that point, including the Virginia Plan's 15 resolutions. The Convention adjourned from July 26 to August 6 to await their report. Much of what was contained in the final document was present in this draft. They also added an Electoral College. The two preliminary drafts that survive, as well as the text of the Constitution submitted to the Convention, were in the handwriting of Wilson or Randolph.

Committee of Detail

The Committee of Detail was a committee established by the United States Constitutional Convention on July 24, 1787 to put down a draft text reflecting the agreements made by the Convention up to that point, including the Virginia Plan's 15 resolutions. The Convention adjourned from July 26 to August 6 to await their report. Much of what was contained in the final document was present in this draft. They also added an Electoral College. The two preliminary drafts that survive, as well as the text of the Constitution submitted to the Convention, were in the handwriting of Wilson or Randolph.