Communist Movement of the Valencian Country

Communist Movement of the Valencian Country (Valencian: Moviment Comunista del País Valencià, MCPV) was a communist political party created in the Valencian Country during the last years of the dictatorship of Franco as the Valencian section of the Communist Movement. Originally the party was maoist and heavily , but since the early 80's the party abandoned maoism in favour of heterodox marxism and started to support the new social movements, including feminism, LGBT and anti-militarism.

Communist Movement of the Valencian Country

Communist Movement of the Valencian Country (Valencian: Moviment Comunista del País Valencià, MCPV) was a communist political party created in the Valencian Country during the last years of the dictatorship of Franco as the Valencian section of the Communist Movement. Originally the party was maoist and heavily , but since the early 80's the party abandoned maoism in favour of heterodox marxism and started to support the new social movements, including feminism, LGBT and anti-militarism.