Community Movement

The Community Movement was an Italian political organization founded by Piedmontese progressivist entrepreneur Adriano Olivetti in 1947. Olivetti had previously established a cultural group, which only subsequently began a political activity at local level, entering in municipal and provincial elections. The Community fought against particracy and Jacobin centralism, aiming to replace them with a federal union of local communities. The movement tried to merge both liberal and socialist ideas, opposing both conservatives and communists.

Community Movement

The Community Movement was an Italian political organization founded by Piedmontese progressivist entrepreneur Adriano Olivetti in 1947. Olivetti had previously established a cultural group, which only subsequently began a political activity at local level, entering in municipal and provincial elections. The Community fought against particracy and Jacobin centralism, aiming to replace them with a federal union of local communities. The movement tried to merge both liberal and socialist ideas, opposing both conservatives and communists.