Community post office

A community post office (CPO) is a facility of the United States Postal Service located in and operated by a non-postal facility, such as a store. Also known by other terms, such as "contract postal unit", or "contract station", such a facility is a post office selling postal products and services at prices identical to those of a regular post office. In exchange for staffing the post office with its own employees, the owner of the facility is paid by the Postal Service in proportion to sales. A similar concept, the "village post office", was introduced in 2011; like the community post office, a village post office operates out of a private facility, but it offers fewer services than a community post office.

Community post office

A community post office (CPO) is a facility of the United States Postal Service located in and operated by a non-postal facility, such as a store. Also known by other terms, such as "contract postal unit", or "contract station", such a facility is a post office selling postal products and services at prices identical to those of a regular post office. In exchange for staffing the post office with its own employees, the owner of the facility is paid by the Postal Service in proportion to sales. A similar concept, the "village post office", was introduced in 2011; like the community post office, a village post office operates out of a private facility, but it offers fewer services than a community post office.