Compeer, Alberta

Compeer is a hamlet in east-central Alberta, Canada within Special Area No. 4. Previously an incorporated municipality, Compeer dissolved from village status on December 31, 1936 to become part of the Municipal District of Neutral Hills No. 331. Compeer is located on an abandoned track of the Railink Central Western railway, north of Highway 12 and west of the Alberta–Saskatchewan border. It is approximately 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) east of Altario.

Compeer, Alberta

Compeer is a hamlet in east-central Alberta, Canada within Special Area No. 4. Previously an incorporated municipality, Compeer dissolved from village status on December 31, 1936 to become part of the Municipal District of Neutral Hills No. 331. Compeer is located on an abandoned track of the Railink Central Western railway, north of Highway 12 and west of the Alberta–Saskatchewan border. It is approximately 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) east of Altario.