Composer's Voice Concert Series

The Composer's Voice Concert Series is a concert series in New York City which presents contemporary chamber music. The series is produced by Vox Novus and was founded in 2001 by the composer Robert Voisey. Currently directed by Voisey, Composer's Voice holds concerts at The Firehouse Space on the third Thursday of every month. John de Clef Pineiro, in New Music Connoisseur, wrote, "[Vox Novus offers] the presentation of serious works by established and emerging composers. Those voices should be heard, and they can even be reheard on the Vox Novus website that generously offers complete audio recordings and even full scores of works presented by Vox Novus at its concerts."

Composer's Voice Concert Series

The Composer's Voice Concert Series is a concert series in New York City which presents contemporary chamber music. The series is produced by Vox Novus and was founded in 2001 by the composer Robert Voisey. Currently directed by Voisey, Composer's Voice holds concerts at The Firehouse Space on the third Thursday of every month. John de Clef Pineiro, in New Music Connoisseur, wrote, "[Vox Novus offers] the presentation of serious works by established and emerging composers. Those voices should be heard, and they can even be reheard on the Vox Novus website that generously offers complete audio recordings and even full scores of works presented by Vox Novus at its concerts."