Computable isomorphism

In computability theory two sets of natural numbers are computably isomorphic or recursively isomorphic if there exists a total bijective computable function with . By the Myhill isomorphism theorem, the relation of computable isomorphism coincides with the relation of mutual one-one reducibility. Two numberings and are called computably isomorphic if there exists a computable bijection so that Computably isomorphic numberings induce the same notion of computability on a set.

Computable isomorphism

In computability theory two sets of natural numbers are computably isomorphic or recursively isomorphic if there exists a total bijective computable function with . By the Myhill isomorphism theorem, the relation of computable isomorphism coincides with the relation of mutual one-one reducibility. Two numberings and are called computably isomorphic if there exists a computable bijection so that Computably isomorphic numberings induce the same notion of computability on a set.