Computational modeling of Ischemic stroke

Computational modeling of Ischemic stroke has been used to understand the biological events during an ischemic stroke, and to identify potential drug targets. These models typically utilize compartment models with ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Models of spreading depressions and ion dynamics have shown that neuronal activity decreases and swelling increases due to an influx of calcium, sodium, and chlorine, and an efflux of potassium and glutamate in neurons during severe and moderate ischemic stroke event. Computational modeling of pH during a stroke also showed that, due to decreases in metabolic activity and increases in lactate and carbon dioxide concentrations in neurons, the pH of the penumbra decreases. These results agree with in vitro and in

Computational modeling of Ischemic stroke

Computational modeling of Ischemic stroke has been used to understand the biological events during an ischemic stroke, and to identify potential drug targets. These models typically utilize compartment models with ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Models of spreading depressions and ion dynamics have shown that neuronal activity decreases and swelling increases due to an influx of calcium, sodium, and chlorine, and an efflux of potassium and glutamate in neurons during severe and moderate ischemic stroke event. Computational modeling of pH during a stroke also showed that, due to decreases in metabolic activity and increases in lactate and carbon dioxide concentrations in neurons, the pH of the penumbra decreases. These results agree with in vitro and in