Computer-induced medical problems

Computer-induced health problems can be an umbrella term for the various problems a computer user can develop from extended and incorrect computer use. A computer user may experience many physical health problems from using computers extensively over a prolonged period of time in an inefficient manner. The computer user may have poor etiquette when using peripherals, for example incorrect posture. Reportedly, excessive use of electronic screen media can have ill effects on mental health related to mood, cognition, and behavior, even to the point of hallucination.

Computer-induced medical problems

Computer-induced health problems can be an umbrella term for the various problems a computer user can develop from extended and incorrect computer use. A computer user may experience many physical health problems from using computers extensively over a prolonged period of time in an inefficient manner. The computer user may have poor etiquette when using peripherals, for example incorrect posture. Reportedly, excessive use of electronic screen media can have ill effects on mental health related to mood, cognition, and behavior, even to the point of hallucination.