Conciliation Bills

Conciliation bills were proposed legislation would extend the right of women to vote in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to just over a million wealthy, property-owning women. After the January 1910 election an all-party Conciliation party, consisting of 36 members of parliament and chaired by Lord Lytton, proposed the new Parliamentary Franchise (Women) Bill. Three Conciliation bills were put before the House of Commons, one each year in 1910, 1911 and in 1912, but all failed.

Conciliation Bills

Conciliation bills were proposed legislation would extend the right of women to vote in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to just over a million wealthy, property-owning women. After the January 1910 election an all-party Conciliation party, consisting of 36 members of parliament and chaired by Lord Lytton, proposed the new Parliamentary Franchise (Women) Bill. Three Conciliation bills were put before the House of Commons, one each year in 1910, 1911 and in 1912, but all failed.