Concordance system

In Swiss politics, the concordance system (German Konkordanzsystem) is the integration of the major political parties into the seven-member Federal Council. The concordance system is based on two principles * an arithmetic rule of proportionality: the Federal Council should be representative of the political forces of the country, that is, its composition should be similar to that of the Federal Assembly. * a political rule of consensus: the government must reach a compromise, even though it is composed of antagonistic parties.

Concordance system

In Swiss politics, the concordance system (German Konkordanzsystem) is the integration of the major political parties into the seven-member Federal Council. The concordance system is based on two principles * an arithmetic rule of proportionality: the Federal Council should be representative of the political forces of the country, that is, its composition should be similar to that of the Federal Assembly. * a political rule of consensus: the government must reach a compromise, even though it is composed of antagonistic parties.