Concours de Dressage International

Concours de Dressage International (CDI) is the competition rating for international dressage events. The rating is given by the equestrian governing body FEI. A CDI is divided from one to five stars. The height of the star depends on the class in which the rider competes and the prize money. To be able to organize a CDI5* you must first have organized a CDI4*. Only when a positive report has been released on the CDI4* by the Foreign Judge can a CDI5* be organized.

Concours de Dressage International

Concours de Dressage International (CDI) is the competition rating for international dressage events. The rating is given by the equestrian governing body FEI. A CDI is divided from one to five stars. The height of the star depends on the class in which the rider competes and the prize money. To be able to organize a CDI5* you must first have organized a CDI4*. Only when a positive report has been released on the CDI4* by the Foreign Judge can a CDI5* be organized.