Concurrent logic programming

Concurrent logic programming is a variant of logic programming in which programs are sets of guarded Horn clauses of the form: B1, …, Bn. The conjunction G1, … , Gn is called the guard of the clause, and ǀ is the commitment operator. Declaratively, guarded Horn clauses are read as ordinary logical implications: H if G1 and … and Gn or B1 and … and Bn.

Concurrent logic programming

Concurrent logic programming is a variant of logic programming in which programs are sets of guarded Horn clauses of the form: B1, …, Bn. The conjunction G1, … , Gn is called the guard of the clause, and ǀ is the commitment operator. Declaratively, guarded Horn clauses are read as ordinary logical implications: H if G1 and … and Gn or B1 and … and Bn.