Conductor support system

On offshore oil platforms, conductor support systems, also known as conductor supported systems or satellite platforms, are small unmanned installations consisting of little more than a well bay, and a small process plant. They are designed to operate in conjunction with a static production platform which is connected to the platform by flow lines and/or by Umbilical cable. A leading proponent of this cost effective style of offshore development was which commissioned numerous Conductor Supported Wellhead Platforms in the Carnarvon Basin to feed its so called "String of Pearls" discoveries.

Conductor support system

On offshore oil platforms, conductor support systems, also known as conductor supported systems or satellite platforms, are small unmanned installations consisting of little more than a well bay, and a small process plant. They are designed to operate in conjunction with a static production platform which is connected to the platform by flow lines and/or by Umbilical cable. A leading proponent of this cost effective style of offshore development was which commissioned numerous Conductor Supported Wellhead Platforms in the Carnarvon Basin to feed its so called "String of Pearls" discoveries.