
Saint Conleth (Old Irish: Conláed [ˈkonlaið]; Modern Irish: Naomh Connlaodh; also Conlaeth; Conlaid; Conlaith; Conlath; Conlian, Hugh the Wise) was an Irish hermit and metalworker, also said to have been a copyist and skilled illuminator of manuscripts. He is believed to have come from the Wicklow area.


Saint Conleth (Old Irish: Conláed [ˈkonlaið]; Modern Irish: Naomh Connlaodh; also Conlaeth; Conlaid; Conlaith; Conlath; Conlian, Hugh the Wise) was an Irish hermit and metalworker, also said to have been a copyist and skilled illuminator of manuscripts. He is believed to have come from the Wicklow area.