Conn (nautical)

The conn, also spelled con, cun, conne, cond, conde, and cund, is the status of being in control of a ship's movements while at sea. The following quote summarizes the use of the term: One of the most important principles of ship handling is that there be no ambiguity as to who is controlling the movements of the ship. One person gives orders to the ship's engine, rudder, lines, and ground tackle. This person is said to have the "conn." — James Alden Barber, 2005, "Introduction", The Naval Shiphandler's Guide, p. 8. Mark B. Templeton

Conn (nautical)

The conn, also spelled con, cun, conne, cond, conde, and cund, is the status of being in control of a ship's movements while at sea. The following quote summarizes the use of the term: One of the most important principles of ship handling is that there be no ambiguity as to who is controlling the movements of the ship. One person gives orders to the ship's engine, rudder, lines, and ground tackle. This person is said to have the "conn." — James Alden Barber, 2005, "Introduction", The Naval Shiphandler's Guide, p. 8. Mark B. Templeton