Conscription in Brazil

In Brazil, conscription is mandatory for every male who has turned 18 years old. It normally lasts for twelve months. But in practice people are not forced to serve against their will. Military service was first made mandatory in 1906, during Afonso Pena's government, when Hermes da Fonseca was Minister of War. It would only be fully implemented during World War I though, when military personnel in the country were made necessary.

Conscription in Brazil

In Brazil, conscription is mandatory for every male who has turned 18 years old. It normally lasts for twelve months. But in practice people are not forced to serve against their will. Military service was first made mandatory in 1906, during Afonso Pena's government, when Hermes da Fonseca was Minister of War. It would only be fully implemented during World War I though, when military personnel in the country were made necessary.