Constitutiones Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ

The Constitutiones Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ (English: Constitutions of the Holy Mother Church), informally known as the Constitutiones Aegidianae (English: Egidian Constitutions, Italian: Costituzioni egidiane), were six books of law which formed the first historic constitution of the Papal States. They were redacted at Fano by Cardinal Albornoz between 29 April and 1 May 1357 at an assembly of all the vicars of the pontifical territories. * v * t * e

Constitutiones Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ

The Constitutiones Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ (English: Constitutions of the Holy Mother Church), informally known as the Constitutiones Aegidianae (English: Egidian Constitutions, Italian: Costituzioni egidiane), were six books of law which formed the first historic constitution of the Papal States. They were redacted at Fano by Cardinal Albornoz between 29 April and 1 May 1357 at an assembly of all the vicars of the pontifical territories. * v * t * e