
Coolbits was a Windows registry hack for Nvidia graphics cards Windows drivers, that allows tweaking features via the Nvidia driver control panel (including overclocking).There is also a Coolbits 2.0, with extra features.These features provided by Coolbits are considered expert-only and thus the reason they are normally hidden in the control panel. Below is the main Coolbits activation entry in the registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NvTweak]"CoolBits"=dword:00000003


Coolbits was a Windows registry hack for Nvidia graphics cards Windows drivers, that allows tweaking features via the Nvidia driver control panel (including overclocking).There is also a Coolbits 2.0, with extra features.These features provided by Coolbits are considered expert-only and thus the reason they are normally hidden in the control panel. Below is the main Coolbits activation entry in the registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NvTweak]"CoolBits"=dword:00000003