Coopers' Federation of Great Britain

The Coopers' Federation of Great Britain was a trade union representing coopers in the United Kingdom and, initially, also in Ireland. The union was founded in 1926 as the Coopers' Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It brought together five unions which retained a high level of independence: With the long-term decline of the industry, its affiliates gradually merged. In 1970, the Amalgamated and the National merged and became an integral part of the union, leaving only the Manchester Coopers as an affiliate.

Coopers' Federation of Great Britain

The Coopers' Federation of Great Britain was a trade union representing coopers in the United Kingdom and, initially, also in Ireland. The union was founded in 1926 as the Coopers' Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It brought together five unions which retained a high level of independence: With the long-term decline of the industry, its affiliates gradually merged. In 1970, the Amalgamated and the National merged and became an integral part of the union, leaving only the Manchester Coopers as an affiliate.