Corruption in Albania

Corruption in Albania is a problem. According to Global Corruption Barometer 2013, 66% of respondents indicated that level of corruption has increased in Albania. Transparency International's 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 91st place out of 180 countries with score 38. (39 in 2016, 36 in 2015, 33 in 2014 and 31 in 2013). Corruption is still considered one of the most problematic factors for establishing business in Albania. Even though anti-corruption legal framework of Albania is moderate, its enforcement is weak and corruption conviction rates are still very low.

Corruption in Albania

Corruption in Albania is a problem. According to Global Corruption Barometer 2013, 66% of respondents indicated that level of corruption has increased in Albania. Transparency International's 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 91st place out of 180 countries with score 38. (39 in 2016, 36 in 2015, 33 in 2014 and 31 in 2013). Corruption is still considered one of the most problematic factors for establishing business in Albania. Even though anti-corruption legal framework of Albania is moderate, its enforcement is weak and corruption conviction rates are still very low.