Costly state verification

Costly State Verification (CSV) is an approach in contract theory that considers a contract design problem in which verification (or disclosure) of enterprise performance is costly and a lender has to pay a monitoring cost. Viewed from the CSV perspective, the main function of bankruptcy institutions is to establish a clear inventory of all assets and liabilities and to assess the net value of the firm. The solution to this problem should provide ex-ante optimal contract structure which specify in which scenario realized cash flow should be audited and certified.

Costly state verification

Costly State Verification (CSV) is an approach in contract theory that considers a contract design problem in which verification (or disclosure) of enterprise performance is costly and a lender has to pay a monitoring cost. Viewed from the CSV perspective, the main function of bankruptcy institutions is to establish a clear inventory of all assets and liabilities and to assess the net value of the firm. The solution to this problem should provide ex-ante optimal contract structure which specify in which scenario realized cash flow should be audited and certified.