Countercurrent (Italy, 2006)

Countercurrent (Italian: Controcorrente) is a small Italian Trotskyist political group. It used to be a faction within the Communist Refoundation Party. The group emerged in 2006 as a split from Communist Project, when their leader Marco Ferrando decided to leave the party in order to form his own Workers' Communist Party. For the 24–27 July 2008 congress the faction formed a common list with The Ernesto, another minority faction, and obtained 7.7% of the delegates. In that occasion they supported the election of Paolo Ferrero, leader of the Refoundation in Movement-Being Communists motion, as party secretary, thus joining for the first time the majority of the party.

Countercurrent (Italy, 2006)

Countercurrent (Italian: Controcorrente) is a small Italian Trotskyist political group. It used to be a faction within the Communist Refoundation Party. The group emerged in 2006 as a split from Communist Project, when their leader Marco Ferrando decided to leave the party in order to form his own Workers' Communist Party. For the 24–27 July 2008 congress the faction formed a common list with The Ernesto, another minority faction, and obtained 7.7% of the delegates. In that occasion they supported the election of Paolo Ferrero, leader of the Refoundation in Movement-Being Communists motion, as party secretary, thus joining for the first time the majority of the party.