Cowboys (TV series)

Cowboys is a British television sitcom that aired on the ITV network during the early 1980s. The show was created by Peter Learmouth who would go on to create Granada television sitcoms Surgical Spirit and Let Them Eat Cake (TV series) and starred Lancastrian character-actor Roy Kinnear as Joe Jones, whose "small building firm hardly seems to do anything right at all". Co-starring David Kelly (Previously best known for playing one armed dishwasher Albert Riddle in Robin's Nest, Michael O'Sullivan in Waking Ned and inept builder Mr. O'Reilly in the second episode of Fawlty Towers) as 'Wobbly' Ron, Colin Welland (Well respected actor Z-Cars and award winning screenwriter Chariots of Fire) as Geyser and James Wardroper as Eric with Debbie Linden and Janine Duvitski.Series 1 ran for six episod

Cowboys (TV series)

Cowboys is a British television sitcom that aired on the ITV network during the early 1980s. The show was created by Peter Learmouth who would go on to create Granada television sitcoms Surgical Spirit and Let Them Eat Cake (TV series) and starred Lancastrian character-actor Roy Kinnear as Joe Jones, whose "small building firm hardly seems to do anything right at all". Co-starring David Kelly (Previously best known for playing one armed dishwasher Albert Riddle in Robin's Nest, Michael O'Sullivan in Waking Ned and inept builder Mr. O'Reilly in the second episode of Fawlty Towers) as 'Wobbly' Ron, Colin Welland (Well respected actor Z-Cars and award winning screenwriter Chariots of Fire) as Geyser and James Wardroper as Eric with Debbie Linden and Janine Duvitski.Series 1 ran for six episod