Craig Gentry (computer scientist)

Craig Gentry (born 1973) is an American computer scientist, currently working as a Research Fellow at Algorand Foundation, a blockchain startup founded by Silvio Micali. He is best known for his work in cryptography, specifically fully homomorphic encryption. In 2009, his dissertation, in which he constructed the first Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme, won the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. In 2010 he won the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for the same work. In 2014, he won a MacArthur Fellowship. He was a research scientist at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.

Craig Gentry (computer scientist)

Craig Gentry (born 1973) is an American computer scientist, currently working as a Research Fellow at Algorand Foundation, a blockchain startup founded by Silvio Micali. He is best known for his work in cryptography, specifically fully homomorphic encryption. In 2009, his dissertation, in which he constructed the first Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme, won the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. In 2010 he won the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for the same work. In 2014, he won a MacArthur Fellowship. He was a research scientist at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.