Cremunés dialect

Cremonese (Cremunés) is a dialect of Western Lombard language group spoken in the city and province of Cremona in Lombardy, Italy (with the exception of Crema and the area of Soresina, where an Eastern Lombard dialect is spoken, and the area of Casalmaggiore, where is spoken Emiliano-Romagnolo). Vowels The Cremonese dialect of the Lombard language shows 9 vowel qualities, which can be either long or short phonemically, without any difference in quality. The following 18 phonemes all occur in stressed environments: /i/ /iː/ /y/ /yː/ /e/ /eː/ /ø/ /øː/ /ɛ/ /ɛː/ /a/ /aː/ /ɔ/ /ɔː/ /o/ /oː/ /u/ /uː/.

Cremunés dialect

Cremonese (Cremunés) is a dialect of Western Lombard language group spoken in the city and province of Cremona in Lombardy, Italy (with the exception of Crema and the area of Soresina, where an Eastern Lombard dialect is spoken, and the area of Casalmaggiore, where is spoken Emiliano-Romagnolo). Vowels The Cremonese dialect of the Lombard language shows 9 vowel qualities, which can be either long or short phonemically, without any difference in quality. The following 18 phonemes all occur in stressed environments: /i/ /iː/ /y/ /yː/ /e/ /eː/ /ø/ /øː/ /ɛ/ /ɛː/ /a/ /aː/ /ɔ/ /ɔː/ /o/ /oː/ /u/ /uː/.