Crofton Wood

Crofton Wood or Crofton Woods is Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation and a Site of Special Scientific Interest in Crofton in the London Borough of Bromley. Kyd Brook goes through the Wood. It is a large area of ancient woodland on London Clay, which supports many types of trees, shrubs and herbs. Trees in the ancient wood are mainly oak and hazel, with a central area of former fields. It has high botanical diversity, including fourteen species of sedge, and a rich invertebrate fauna.

Crofton Wood

Crofton Wood or Crofton Woods is Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation and a Site of Special Scientific Interest in Crofton in the London Borough of Bromley. Kyd Brook goes through the Wood. It is a large area of ancient woodland on London Clay, which supports many types of trees, shrubs and herbs. Trees in the ancient wood are mainly oak and hazel, with a central area of former fields. It has high botanical diversity, including fourteen species of sedge, and a rich invertebrate fauna.