
Cruzipain is a cysteine protease expressed by Trypanosoma cruzi. It is classified under EC Cruzipain is expressed by all strains and developmental forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. It is secreted and can be found in the membrane of the parasite. Cruzipain is a sulfated glycoprotein which plays a role in the parasitic disease known as Chagas disease. It is found to aid the parasite in entering the host cell and in evading an immune response.


Cruzipain is a cysteine protease expressed by Trypanosoma cruzi. It is classified under EC Cruzipain is expressed by all strains and developmental forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. It is secreted and can be found in the membrane of the parasite. Cruzipain is a sulfated glycoprotein which plays a role in the parasitic disease known as Chagas disease. It is found to aid the parasite in entering the host cell and in evading an immune response.