Cubitus varus

Cubitus varus (varus means a deformity of a limb in which part of it is deviated towards the midline of the body) is a common deformity in which the extended forearm is deviated towards midline of the body. Cubitus varus is often referred to as "Gunstock deformity", due to the crooked nature of the healing. The "opposite" condition is cubitus valgus.

Cubitus varus

Cubitus varus (varus means a deformity of a limb in which part of it is deviated towards the midline of the body) is a common deformity in which the extended forearm is deviated towards midline of the body. Cubitus varus is often referred to as "Gunstock deformity", due to the crooked nature of the healing. The "opposite" condition is cubitus valgus.