Culebra 1996

Culebra 1996 is an EP recorded and released in 1996 by the Mexican hard rock band Cuca. It was realised after Alfonso Fors (who was the vocalist at that time) left the group, was then that Jose Fors (his brother) announced his return to the vocals and decided to record two singles of the previous disc where Alfonso Fors recorded his voice. The chosen songs were Toma and La Balada.

Culebra 1996

Culebra 1996 is an EP recorded and released in 1996 by the Mexican hard rock band Cuca. It was realised after Alfonso Fors (who was the vocalist at that time) left the group, was then that Jose Fors (his brother) announced his return to the vocals and decided to record two singles of the previous disc where Alfonso Fors recorded his voice. The chosen songs were Toma and La Balada.