Cunnilingus in Halacha

Within the guidelines of halacha as presented by chazal and early rabbinic authorities, Oral-vulvar stimulation in Halacha (also known as נשיקת אותו מקום lit. "kissing of that place") is the discussion of whether or not a man may orally stimulate his wife's vulva (cunnilingus) independent of whether this stimulation does or does not result in her achieving orgasm. The discussion is within the exclusive framework of a halachically permitted marital relationship and only during the time that one's wife is not in her Niddah state.

Cunnilingus in Halacha

Within the guidelines of halacha as presented by chazal and early rabbinic authorities, Oral-vulvar stimulation in Halacha (also known as נשיקת אותו מקום lit. "kissing of that place") is the discussion of whether or not a man may orally stimulate his wife's vulva (cunnilingus) independent of whether this stimulation does or does not result in her achieving orgasm. The discussion is within the exclusive framework of a halachically permitted marital relationship and only during the time that one's wife is not in her Niddah state.