Cupimus imprimis

Cupimus imprimis (January 18, 1952) is an apostolic letter of Pope Pius XII to all the faithful in China regarding their persecutions and the persecution of the Catholic Church. Cupimus Imprimis expresses the great admiration and love of the Chinese people. Religion was established in this country in full recognition of the local customs and greatness of the Chinese culture and society. Therefore, the Pope is saddened to learn that the Catholic Church is accused as an enemy of the people. Church teaching fits all societies, which respect justice, freedom and brotherly love. The Pope expresses his admiration for the courage of the Chinese Christians, who are admired throughout the world. At stake is God, may he listen to all the prayers, and in his goodness provide consolation, giving China

Cupimus imprimis

Cupimus imprimis (January 18, 1952) is an apostolic letter of Pope Pius XII to all the faithful in China regarding their persecutions and the persecution of the Catholic Church. Cupimus Imprimis expresses the great admiration and love of the Chinese people. Religion was established in this country in full recognition of the local customs and greatness of the Chinese culture and society. Therefore, the Pope is saddened to learn that the Catholic Church is accused as an enemy of the people. Church teaching fits all societies, which respect justice, freedom and brotherly love. The Pope expresses his admiration for the courage of the Chinese Christians, who are admired throughout the world. At stake is God, may he listen to all the prayers, and in his goodness provide consolation, giving China