Curtiz (film)

Curtiz is a 2018 Hungarian film by Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, based on the making of the 1942 Humphrey Bogart film Casablanca by Hungarian director Michael Curtiz. That year, America is on the brink of World War II. Michael Curtiz filmed his later iconic, multi-Oscar-winning film Casablanca under most unusual circumstances. During the shoot, he had to battle almost daily with political censors who wanted to change the film's script. In addition, Curtiz's troubled relationship with his daughter made this period more difficult for him.

Curtiz (film)

Curtiz is a 2018 Hungarian film by Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, based on the making of the 1942 Humphrey Bogart film Casablanca by Hungarian director Michael Curtiz. That year, America is on the brink of World War II. Michael Curtiz filmed his later iconic, multi-Oscar-winning film Casablanca under most unusual circumstances. During the shoot, he had to battle almost daily with political censors who wanted to change the film's script. In addition, Curtiz's troubled relationship with his daughter made this period more difficult for him.