Cutting Room Studios

Cutting Room Studios is an audio mastering studio located in Stockholm, Sweden since 1980. Cutting Room was founded in the 1970s by , and is currently owned by . Sitting in a five studio location they have dedicated three of them to audio mastering. The remaining two studios have been dedicated to digital film, video restoration, DVD & Blu-ray as well as 7.1 audio mastering, which Cutting Room has been also working with since 2001.

Cutting Room Studios

Cutting Room Studios is an audio mastering studio located in Stockholm, Sweden since 1980. Cutting Room was founded in the 1970s by , and is currently owned by . Sitting in a five studio location they have dedicated three of them to audio mastering. The remaining two studios have been dedicated to digital film, video restoration, DVD & Blu-ray as well as 7.1 audio mastering, which Cutting Room has been also working with since 2001.